It's Valentine's month so here's season one episodes 16 of SpongeBob SquarePants titled Valentine's Day aired on the 14th of February 2000. I posted this episode in behalf of someone who called me stupid, I think she really like this TV series. Here's the full video from Dailymotion, Happy Valentine's Day Bikini Bottom!!!
Sponge Bob Square Pants is one of the funniest cartoon on Tv but some parents didn't want their children to watch it because there's no moral values/lesson that their siblings can acquire..
Wonder Years of Dean Martin
I don't know the reason why people love this tv show, I myself don't like this show, I don't have any grudge or what.. I just don't like this series..
Who live under the ocean??? SpongeBob Square Pants!!! I love this cartoon even though others find it stupid, yeah it is really a stupid show...However, it entertains a lot specially children and those childish like
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